I was just thinking about something... i have A LOT of Frankie Jonas rare pics on my computer and it would take a lot of time to post all of them, so i'll post just some of them. But you can watch my videos on youtube (4everJonasfan96), i made videos with the rare pics that i found... you can ask for the pics if you want, i'll send you, you just have to credit me.
But don't worry, i'll post all the new rare pics that i find... ;)
Hey guys, my name is Letícia and i'm from Brazil. I'm a huge Jonas fan, i made this blog to post videos, pics and everything about Frankie Jonas! hope you like it! :) Thanks for visit, if you take the pics, please credit me... ;) Follow me on twitter: @Leticinhaa96 Youtube: 4everJonasfan96 / Visit my other Blog (Jonas #imagines) http://flywithme-jonasimagines.blogspot.com.br/ THANK YOU! ;)